Controlled Vocabularies

The following controlled vocabularies are used on this site. Click a vocabulary short name for more details.

Short NameVocabulary Name(s)DescriptionLoaded Terms
dataEDAMBioinformatics operations, data types, formats, identifiers and topics.20
dcdcDCMI Metadata Terms.1
EROeroThe Eagle-I Research Resource Ontology1
formatEDAMA defined way or layout of representing and structuring data in a computer file, blob, string, message, or elsewhere. The main focus in EDAM lies on formats as means of structuring data exchanged between different tools or resources. 1
_globalunknown, sequence, gene_ontology46
GObiological_process, molecular_function, cellular_componentGene Ontology34,387
hydrahydraA Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs6
IAOIAO, iaoThe Information Artifact Ontology (IAO).3
internalcvterm_property_type, synonym_type, 5
INTERPROINTERPROInterPro provides functional analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites. It combines protein signatures from a number of member databases into a single searchable resource.118
KEGG_BRITEKEGG_BRITEKEGG BRITE is a collection of hierarchical classifications from KEGG.43
KEGG_ORTHOLOGYKEGG_ORTHOLOGYThe KEGG Orthology (KO) system consists of manually defined ortholog groups that correspond to pathways, BRITE hierarchys and modules17
KEGG_PATHWAYKEGG_PATHWAYKEGG PATHWAY is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing our knowledge on the molecular interaction and reaction networks.317
locallocal, synonym_type, library_type, tripal_analysis, featuremap_property, featuremap_units, featurepos_property, nd_experiment_types, nd_geolocation_property, analysis_property, organism_property, library_property, project_property, tripal_phylogenyTerms created for this site.71
NCBITaxonncbitaxonNCBI organismal classification.1
nullnull, local, Statistical Terms, developmental stages, feature_property, chado_propertiesNo online database.33
OBCSOBCSOntology of Biological and Clinical Statistics.1
OBIobiThe Ontology for Biomedical Investigation.1
OGIogiOntology for genetic interval.1
operationEDAMA function that processes a set of inputs and results in a set of outputs, or associates arguments (inputs) with values (outputs). Special cases are: a) An operation that consumes no input (has no input arguments).2
rdfsrdfsResource Description Framework Schema2
SBOsboSystems Biology.3
sepsepSample processing and separation techniques.1
SIOSIOSemanticscience Integrated Ontology.7
SOsequenceThe sequence ontology.2,035
SWOschemaBioinformatics operations, data types, formats, identifiers and topics1
TAXRANKtaxonomic_rankA vocabulary of taxonomic ranks (species, family, phylum, etc)61
TCONTACTtripal_contactTripal Contact Ontology. A temporary ontology until a more formal appropriate ontology an be identified.28
TPUBtripal_pubTripal Publiation Ontology. A temporary ontology until a more formal appropriate ontology an be identified.215
tripaltripal, stock_types, stock_property_types, stock_relationship_types, tripal_featuremapUsed as a database placeholder for tripal defined objects such as tripal cvterms147
UOuoUnits of Measurement Ontology1