Tripal v3.x demo
Controlled Vocabularies
The following controlled vocabularies are used on this site. Click a vocabulary short name for more details.
Short Name | Vocabulary Name(s) | Description | Loaded Terms |
data | EDAM | Bioinformatics operations, data types, formats, identifiers and topics. | 20 |
dc | dc | DCMI Metadata Terms. | 1 |
ERO | ero | The Eagle-I Research Resource Ontology | 1 |
format | EDAM | A defined way or layout of representing and structuring data in a computer file, blob, string, message, or elsewhere. The main focus in EDAM lies on formats as means of structuring data exchanged between different tools or resources. | 1 |
_global | unknown, sequence, gene_ontology | 46 | |
GO | biological_process, molecular_function, cellular_component | Gene Ontology | 34,387 |
hydra | hydra | A Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs | 6 |
IAO | IAO, iao | The Information Artifact Ontology (IAO). | 3 |
internal | cvterm_property_type, synonym_type, | 5 | |
INTERPRO | INTERPRO | InterPro provides functional analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites. It combines protein signatures from a number of member databases into a single searchable resource. | 118 |
KEGG_BRITE | KEGG_BRITE | KEGG BRITE is a collection of hierarchical classifications from KEGG. | 43 |
KEGG_ORTHOLOGY | KEGG_ORTHOLOGY | The KEGG Orthology (KO) system consists of manually defined ortholog groups that correspond to pathways, BRITE hierarchys and modules | 17 |
KEGG_PATHWAY | KEGG_PATHWAY | KEGG PATHWAY is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing our knowledge on the molecular interaction and reaction networks. | 317 |
local | local, synonym_type, library_type, tripal_analysis, featuremap_property, featuremap_units, featurepos_property, nd_experiment_types, nd_geolocation_property, analysis_property, organism_property, library_property, project_property, tripal_phylogeny | Terms created for this site. | 71 |
NCBITaxon | ncbitaxon | NCBI organismal classification. | 1 |
null | null, local, Statistical Terms, developmental stages, feature_property, chado_properties | No online database. | 33 |
OBCS | OBCS | Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics. | 1 |
OBI | obi | The Ontology for Biomedical Investigation. | 1 |
OBO_REL | relationship | 26 | |
OGI | ogi | Ontology for genetic interval. | 1 |
operation | EDAM | A function that processes a set of inputs and results in a set of outputs, or associates arguments (inputs) with values (outputs). Special cases are: a) An operation that consumes no input (has no input arguments). | 2 |
rdfs | rdfs | Resource Description Framework Schema | 2 |
SBO | sbo | Systems Biology. | 3 |
schema | schema | | 8 |
sep | sep | Sample processing and separation techniques. | 1 |
SIO | SIO | Semanticscience Integrated Ontology. | 7 |
SO | sequence | The sequence ontology. | 2,035 |
SOFP | feature_property | 47 | |
SWO | schema | Bioinformatics operations, data types, formats, identifiers and topics | 1 |
TAXRANK | taxonomic_rank | A vocabulary of taxonomic ranks (species, family, phylum, etc) | 61 |
TCONTACT | tripal_contact | Tripal Contact Ontology. A temporary ontology until a more formal appropriate ontology an be identified. | 28 |
TO | plant_trait_ontology | 1,308 | |
TPUB | tripal_pub | Tripal Publiation Ontology. A temporary ontology until a more formal appropriate ontology an be identified. | 215 |
tripal | tripal, stock_types, stock_property_types, stock_relationship_types, tripal_featuremap | Used as a database placeholder for tripal defined objects such as tripal cvterms | 147 |
UO | uo | Units of Measurement Ontology | 1 |